Microbe Lift Barley Straw Pellets is a Major Scientific Breakthrough! 100% Natural & Organic Ingredients Specially formulated To Naturally Balance
Pond Water & Improve Water Clarity Enriched with peat and humic acid, this revolutionary formula works faster & better with Less Mess & Cost and is easier to apply than bales, pillows and pads!
- Matures pond water chemistry.- Disperses quickly by simple broadcast of pellets into the pond or packing in a porous fabric sock and suspending in pond or available chamber in skimmer or filter.
- Buffers pH.
- Releases decomposition by-products immediately.
- Works year round.
- Recommended for use with all Microbe-Lift bacterial and enzymatic pond products.
Microbe-Lift/Barley Straw Pellets Pleat are rich in organic peat which softens pond water reducing nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the water column.
The Barley Straw Pellets+ will leave a residual on the bottom of the pond.
The bacteria in the Microbe-Lift products as well as Microbe-Lift/Sludge Away will digest this organic residual. Fish will not eat the barley pellets as they contain no food value.