The Water Cleanser acts as a natural catalyst, accelerating the breeding of beneficial microbes. Present in all bodies of water, these microbes remain dormant in nature until triggered by an energy source. The microbes regard The Water Cleanser as an energy source, allowing them to breed in mass numbers; they then go forth and eat organic waste in the water.
The microbes gain plenty of energy from The Water Cleanser, enabling them to eat organic waste at twice the speed of bacteria, therefore speeding up the natural process of cleaning the water. Eliminates Algae.
Ideal for
- Fresh Water Fish Ponds
- Salt Water Fish Ponds
- Garden Water Features
Blocks need to be replaced every 10 weeks.
How does it work?
Beneficial bacteria and microbes naturally break down and process organic waste (excess food, plant matter, dying algae, fish faeces,etc.) in water systems. Outside influences such as chemicals, pollutants, and fertilizers can disrupt the natural cycle and weaken theexisting beneficial bacteria. The Water Cleanser (TWC) provides a protective habitat with all the required trace elements that allow the microbes to breed and multiply at their optimal rate. Once the microbes are re-established in the water system, they can then consume the organic waste at an accelerated rate, leaving the water cleaner and healthier, and requiring less maintenance. Archaea microbes prefer to break down organic waste above oil but need hydrocarbon as an energy source to multiply. Archaea microbes are present in any body of water but remain inactive until they have a hydrocarbon source. The Water Cleanser is a hydrocarbon catalyst that creates the perfect conditions for these Archaea microbes.
Does TWC prevent algae?
Yes! Excess nutrients in the water from organic waste can encourage overgrowth of algae, including algal blooms. The WaterCleanser accelerates proliferation of beneficial bacteria and microbes which consume that organic matter. Massive algal blooms require lots of nutrients; with their food source consumed by the microbes, the algae starves and dies.
The Water Cleanser has been tested for over 12 years and has a beneficial effect on all aquatic life. Besides that, the Water Cleanser can also be used in pools to lower the need for chemicals.