The Kockney Koi Pond Medic Acriflavine New Formular is a treatment against aquatic bacterial infections, such as Flagellates, Fungi, Protozoa and some viruses e.g. carp pox.
Add 10ml per 750 Litres (150 Gallons) using the measuring cup provided. Repeat after 10 days.
250 mls treats - 3,750 Gallons
500 mls treats - 7,500Gallons
1ltr Treats - 15,000 Gallons.
Do not use at temperatures below 48 Degrees F. Mix in a suitable container with some pond water and distribute evenly around the pond. For severe cases use as a dip at the rate of 10ml per 100 Litres (20 gallons) for up to one hour.
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